Active Projects

On Target App Armor Implementation

Last Reported Date 06/05/2024

Status Summary:

Decisions were made regarding access to the Apple Store. Digital accessibility issues were conveyed and confirmed to App Armor to address. Content questions have been resolved and final content including graphics in alignment with the Western brand have been sent to App Armor.

In Process:

  • App Armor staff are configuring the app
  • The core team is drafting a communication and roll out plan

On Target Banner 9

Last Reported Date 05/06/2024

Status Summary:

All modules have been configured and released for functional testing.

The Web4U landing page is in production and includes useability and digital accessibility enhancements.

The Student Module is live in production.  The Employee Module is live in production. 

The project team will begin focusing on the Finance Module and prepare for Go-Live.

In Process:

General Landing Page

The General landing page (Web4U) has completed useability and digital accessibility enhancements and is live in production.

Student Module

The Student module is functional as configured.

Employee Module

The Employee module is functional as configured. 

Finance Module

The Finance module is under review.

On Target Cloud and Datacenter Migration Project

Last Reported Date 06/05/2024

Status Summary:

Project deliverables completed to date:


  • Catalog and Index all Existing Server Workloads and their associated Owners
  • Initiate a communication strategy to help divisions understand the opportunities provided by the platform change
  • Transform and Convert existing server workloads that fit to Cloud SaaS and PaaS services
  • Transform and Convert existing server workloads (as appropriate) to On-Premises SaaS and PaaS including containers (Azure Kubernetes Service, AKS)
  • Operational Azure Stack Hub
  • Running Azure Kubernetes Services for selected EAS server workloads
  • Migrate Existing Distributed Storage Services to On-Premises Storage Cluster
  • Expand On-Premises Storage Cluster to meet increased storage demands from On-Premises SaaS, PaaS and VM offerings


In Process:

  • Project closeout with stakeholders
  • Project closeout document

On Target Education Abroad Via TRM

Last Reported Date 06/04/2024

Status Summary:

The new system has gone live to allow students interactive access to the programs and applications. 

In Process:

Project is ready for closeout.

On Target Email Retention Improvement

Last Reported Date 06/27/2024

Status Summary:

The project charter is complete and the project team is currently in the discovery phase of the project. 

In Process:

  • Project discovery including reviewing no-cost solutions available to WWU and methods of approach to email retention processes. 

On Target Fairhaven systems re-write

Last Reported Date 06/04/2024

Status Summary:

Process maps and requirements narrative have been completed.

In Process:

The technical team is researching options for system rewrite.  The technical team is reviewing opportunities to talk to peer institutions.

On Target Identity and Access management (iAM)

Last Reported Date 06/05/2024

Status Summary:

Project leadership is exploring the definition of phase 2 scope and the structure of the phase 2 effort.

On Target IPv6 - Discovery

Last Reported Date 06/06/2024

Status Summary:

The project team has been reviewing each spreadsheet individually.  Here's the stats so far:

  • Spreadsheet reviews completed by the project team:  19
    • 713 devices and 124 systems reported
  • Spreadsheets received and ready to be reviewed by project team:  4
  • Department spreadsheets in process with colleges and departments:  25+

The deadline for submitting inventories was:  Tuesday, April 30, 2024.  For those that have not yet submitted, your efforts to complete your submissions is much appreciated.  We will continue to work with departments and colleges to have them complete their inventories.  

The project team will analyze the data received and will submit their report in mid-June.


In Process:

  • Follow up with stakeholders who have not submitted their survey
  • Analysis of survey data received
  • Draft report


On Target Lived Name Initiative Phase I - Discovery, Definition, Planning

Last Reported Date 06/06/2024

Status Summary:

Phase I of the Lived Name Initiative will provide recommendations to Executive Leadership.

Major Milestones:

  • Department Questionnaire - complete
  • Research other schools and best practices - complete
  • Banner Review - complete
  • Recommendation Paper - in process

In Process:

Develop a financial cost estimate to be included with the recommendation paper as an appendix.

On Target Network Equipment Upgrades - Cycle 2

Last Reported Date 06/27/2024

Status Summary:

In July, the EIS team will upgrade the following locations: Ridge Complex, Kaiser Bosari, and Humanities

In Process:

Current schedule view

On Target OnBase Content Management

Last Reported Date 05/09/2024

Status Summary:

The initial implementation of OnBase was mostly completed in August 2022.  There are some exceptions that will be moved to Phase 2 along with the implementation of Unity Forms and workflows.


Technical resources are reviewing the scope of any work that needs to be done as a Phase 2.

On Target OneWA

Last Reported Date 06/27/2024

Status Summary:

The WWU project team is actively engaged in the development of changes needed to meet OneWA's testing requirements. Project is on schedule and has completed sprint 1 testing. The team will not participate in sprint 2 testing, which is optional, in July but will participate in sprint 3.

On Target Replace Banner 8 Modifications

Last Reported Date 06/04/2024

Status Summary:

This project is reviewing the modifications that have been made to Banner 8 and determining replacements.  The goal is to have all Banner 8 modifications obsoleted before Ellucian discontinues support for Banner 8.

In Process:

Several modifications for Registrar Office are nearing completion.  Many of the modifications were determined not needed anymore.


On Target Scholarship Processing System

Last Reported Date 05/09/2024

Status Summary:

The RFP team has evaluated all of the vendor submittals and demonstrations.  The Security Design review has been completed, and a recommendation has been approved.  

In Process:

Procurement is in the process of negotiating the contract terms with the selected vendor.

On Target Standardize EAS Support Channels - Jira Service Management Tool

Last Reported Date 06/27/2024

Status Summary:

The project charter is complete and the project team is currently in the discovery phase of the project. 

On Target Student Health Insurance Billing

Last Reported Date 06/06/2024

Status Summary:

The core team met and discussed the project timeline, exploring what components need to happen in sequence and what can happen in parallel, as well as a high level estimation of duration for each component.  The core team has identified other universities that are similar to Western that may serve as resources.  Outreach to these universities is underway.  A communication plan was developed and initial tasks were identified.  A subset of the core team will meet to discuss the project budget. Conversations continue with the core team on the topic of risk.

The core team's work will help inform the development of a high level project timeline and project budget.  Once complete, project team members will be brought in to help form project work groups. A formal project kickoff will be held after the project structural components are in place.


In Process:

  • High level project planning:  project budget, risk assessment, project timeline

On Target Supplier/Vendor Onboarding and Management System

Last Reported Date 06/04/2024

Status Summary:

The RFP evaluation team has reviewed the vendor submittals and demonstrations. 

In Process:

The RFP recommendation is being drafted and will be reviewed by the evaluation team before being presented to the project sponsor.

On Target Western Card

Last Reported Date 05/09/2024

Status Summary:

Phase 2

  • Mobile Credential has passed the pilot stage for Employees. The Mobile Credential portion of the Western Card project has been paused until integration with Bus Pass can be determined. Students will be invited to provision mobile credentials in the Fall of 2024.

In Process:

The technical team is preparing for the soft rollout of the UMO application and benefit code for employees.  

On Target Windows 11 Readiness Project

Last Reported Date 06/05/2024

Status Summary:

Survey data was shared with University leadership as part of the Univeisity budget discussions.  Follow-up interviews are being scheduled with college leadership teams to refine survey responses considering budget-related changes.

The Budget Analysis & Vendor Management workgroup has received quotes from vendors. Informational meetings with vendors have been setup to understand their warranty and support terms.  CDW has posted default configurations of Lenovo laptops, 2-in-1's and desktops to the WWU Marketplace.

The Risk workgroup is reviewing the list of computers that may, due to unique circumstances, need to continue to use Windows 10. The group has also started drafting guidelines for determining the appropriate risk mitigation strategy for different situations, and is piloting a technology to make virtual Windows 11 systems available to individuals with Windows 10 computers at home.

In Process:

  • Follow-up conversations with colleges
  • Draft guidelines for determining appropriate risk mitigation strategies for different situations
  • Pilot technology providing virtual Windows 11

On Hold Banner Permissions Granting

Last Reported Date 05/09/2024

Status Summary:

The core team has documented the eSign forms, the processes to review and grant the requests, and reviewed the Banner security groups.  

In Process:

We are reviewing the existing conditions and determining where improvements can be made.

On Hold Job Submission

Last Reported Date 05/09/2024

Status Summary:

The Job Submission Project is on hold until technical resources are available.

On Hold PageUp Performance Evaluation

Last Reported Date 12/07/2023

Status Summary:

On Hold 

In Process:

On Hold

Complete Dining Services Transition

Last Reported Date 02/07/2024

Status Summary:

As of Monday, June 12th, Chartwells was announced as the successful vendor to serve as Western's new food-service provider beginning on the new contract date of September 1, 2023. 

Chartwells' team has been working remotely and on-site with all the stakeholders involved in this transition from IT integrations to design concepts and menu selection. Please visit dine on campus to learn more about open locations, menu options and catering!

Complete Network Equipment Upgrades

Last Reported Date 01/04/2024

Status Summary:

Successful network equipment upgrades have been completed for the Fine Arts, Arts Annex, College Hall, Communications Facility, Chemistry, Academic Institutional Center and Academic West.

In Process:

This project is complete.

Complete PBX Decommissioning Project

Last Reported Date 05/03/2024

Status Summary:

Project deliverables completed to date:

  • Identify campus communication work groups
  • Cost comparison reference for department planning purposes
  • Infrastructure configured to support Microsoft Teams at scale
  • Teams calling pilot group implemented
  • Obtain approval and funding of solutions not funded by departments
  • End-user training documentation and video created
  • In-person training classes for end-users completed
  • Documentation of user advocacy and on-going support model roles, responsibilities, and resources
  • All campus departments use Microsoft Teams
  • Inventory of current legacy services
  • Recommendation for legacy device compatible solutions

In Process:

  • Project closeout activities