Replace Banner 8 Modifications
Project Status
On Target
Last Reported
Estimated Start Date
Project Manager
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Replace current Web4U modifications with Banner 9 Self-Service baseline, Banner Page Builder, Banner Communications Management, or TBD. All 'TBD' will be scoped out with the business owner.
If you have any questions about this project please feel free to contact Portfolio Director Wanna VanCuren at x2992, or Project Manager Dawn Childs at x4990.
Status Summary
This project is reviewing the modifications that have been made to Banner 8 and determining replacements. The goal is to have all Banner 8 modifications obsoleted before Ellucian discontinues support for Banner 8.
In Process
Several modifications for Registrar Office are nearing completion. Many of the modifications were determined not needed anymore.
Recently Completed
Two modifications are complex and need to be identified as separate projects.
- Fairhaven system re-write project request has begun. A business process analysis has been completed. The team is researching possible solutions for Independent Study Programs and Narrative Evaluations.
- Woodring system project request is ready for kickoff.