Scholarship Processing System
Project Status
On Target
Last Reported
Estimated Start Date
Project Manager
Project Sponsor
Mandy Hanousek
The project will source and implement a Scholarship Processing system. This system will be a fully integrated solution to meet donor management and scholarship processing functionality for campus departments and colleges, students, Financial Aid, and The WWU Foundation.
The new system will result in improved access to scholarships for students utilizing smart applications and workflow, more transparent communication of timelines and document submissions, better fund utilization, internal processing efficiencies, more opportunity for donor/recipient interaction and enhance our stewardship efforts. The installation will include setup and implementation of all hardware and software required for system operation, any data conversion needed, and training in the system's use.
Status Summary
The project team has met with the vendor to make high-level decisions about configuring the new scholarship system. Weekly project meetings will be scheduled as this project ramps up. A Western facing project kickoff is also in the works.
In Process
Scheduling weekly team meetings and Western facing kickoff.