Lived Name Initiative Phase I - Discovery, Definition, Planning


Project Status

 On Target

Last Reported

September 5, 2024

Project Manager

Deborah Frost

Project Sponsor

Melynda Huskey
Vice President
Enrollment and Student Services


In support of Western Washington University's long-standing commitment to diversity, the Phase I project objective is to determine how any student, employee, or alum can use a lived name at Western regardless of whether they have obtained a legal name change. There is much work to be done starting with Planning, Discovery, and Definition.

If you have any questions about this project please feel free to contact Shelli Soto at 360-650-2348 or Project Manager, Deborah Frost at 360-650-7422.

Project Objective and Scope

In an effort to expand the current ability for students and staff to indicate a preferred first name, Western will use student, employee, and alum Lived Names for all purposes unless the legal name is required (e.g. documents and processes where the Legal name is required in conjunction with a social security number, such as payroll records and tax forms).

  • Collect, capture and update Lived and Legal names.
  • All systems display Lived Name (or specific documentation when the system lacks functionality).
  • Legal name is displayed only when there is a legitimate business need.
  • Username creation and updates using Lived Name.

This project will involve several resources, the scope will be broken down into several phases. Stakeholder and project sponsor sign-off is required before moving to the next phase. Read the Lived Name Scope Phased Approach document.

  • Phase 1: Discovery, Definition, Planning
  • Phase 2: Documentation, Design, Prototype
  • Phase 3: Lived Name Implementation
  • Phase 4: Username Implementation


Status Summary

Phase I of the Lived Name Initiative will provide recommendations to Executive Leadership.

Major Milestones:

  • Department Questionnaire - complete
  • Research other schools and best practices - complete
  • Banner Review - complete
  • Recommendation Paper - complete

Recently Completed

  • Final version of the recommendation paper was delivered to the work group.

What's next

  • Submit recommendation paper to the executive sponsor, Melynda Huskey.