Fairhaven systems re-write
Project Status
On Target
Last Reported
September 5, 2024
Estimated Start Date
March 13, 2024
Project Manager
Dawn Childs
Project Sponsor
Wanna Vancuren
The current Fairhaven Systems is customized and resides in B8Web4U. Since Ellucian will be sunsetting B8Web4U within the near future and that B9Web4U doesn't have similar functionalities for what Fairhaven will need, we are requesting to form a project team, including Fairhaven stakeholders and SME to:
- Perform business process analysis (BPA) to identify the current and potential business needs.
- Research how other colleges run this process. e.g. Evergreen
- Document the business needs and flows.
- Determine the tools for designing and programming based on the requirements.
- Provide recommendations & scope.
Status Summary
Core team has met to review system requirements. The technical team is reviewing replacement options.
In Process
The technical team has met with Hyland and determined that OnBase is likely a good fit to replace the functionality that will be sunsetted in 2025. The next step is to develop a timeline and build out a prototype.